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В анамнезе была плохая гигиена. Наркотики, химия, радиация - Все это исключено.

Долго думали что это такое.

Особенность в том, что под темным находится светлый ньрмальный дентин. Все темные учатки на вестибулярных и язычных поверхностях при зондировании плотные. При работе алмазным бором не отличаются от нормального дентина.

Через организатора курсов отправил фото доктору в Израиль. Доктор специализируется на работе с пациентами у который есть общесоматические патологии.

Вот ответ


" По всей видимости все эти поражения кариозные, включая Arested Caries.


Часто это встречается у людей с ротовым дыханием или при недостаточном выделении слюны.


Что касается нескольких клиновидных дефектов в 45, 44, 43, 33, 34 зубах,


то причину нетрудно выяснить, а плохая гигиена объясняет там кариес."




Погуглил. Вот не Российская классификация кариеса


caries (ker´ēz),

n in dentistry, the decay of a tooth. Colloquial term is


Advanced caries.

caries, arrested,

n the state existing when the progress of the decay process has halted. It is noted by its dark staining without any breakdown of tooth tissues.

Caries Assessment Tool (CAT),

n.pr an analysis that examines the risk factors for the development of dental caries in infants and young children. Risk factors such as the environment, family history, and general health can be identified early, thereby reducing a patient's risk for developing dental caries and other diseases of the teeth and gingival tissues.

caries, baby bottle,

n See caries, early childhood (EEC).

caries, cemental (root surface),

n the decay of the cementum that occurs as a result of gingival recession and exposure of the root surface. See also caries, cervical (root surface).

caries, cervical (root surface),

n the decay that appears on the root at the cementoenamel junction or the neck as a result of gingival recession and exposure of the root surface. See also caries, cemental (root surface).

caries, chronic,

n a form of caries that occurs over time and demands regular dental intervention.

caries, compound,

n a type of caries that affects two or more surfaces of a tooth.

caries, early childhood (EEC),

n a form of severe dental decay occurring in young children that is caused by long and frequent exposure to liquids that are high in sugar, such as milk or juice. Because this form can damage the underlying bone structure, it may affect the development of permanent teeth.

caries, enamel,

n the decay that occurs in the enamel of a tooth because of a fissure or the collection of bacterial plaque. It appears first as white spots, which later darken to brown.

caries, gross,

n a form of caries with advanced dental decay that is easily seen clinically.

caries, healed,

n See caries, arrested.

caries, incipient,

n a decayed part of a tooth in which the lesion is just coming into existence.

caries, nursing,

n See caries, early childhood (EEC).

caries, pit-and-fissure,

n See cavity, pit and fissure. See also sealant, enamel.

caries, plaque-related,

n the caries associated with plaque formation. Most commonly located in the pits and fissures of the teeth, especially the molar and premolar teeth, and along the gingival tissue and also the margins associated with dental restorations.

caries, proximal,

n decay occurring in the mesial or distal surface of a tooth.

caries, rampant,

n a suddenly appearing, widespread, rapidly progressing type of caries.

caries, recurrent,

n the extension of the carious process beyond the margin of a restoration. Also called

secondary caries.

caries, residual,

n (residual carious dentin), the decayed material left in a prepared cavity and over which a restoration is placed.

caries, root,

n tooth decay occurring on a portion of the root that is exposed.

Root caries.

caries, senile

n older term for the decay noted particularly in the elderly when supporting tissues have receded; occurs in cementum, usually on proximal surfaces of the teeth.

caries, smooth surface,

n the decay that occurs on the smooth surfaces of the tooth. See also caries, proximal dental and

S. mutans.

caries, vaccine,

n a vaccine currently under development to treat dental caries by inoculating against bacteria commonly known to contribute to their formation, particularly


Ссылка medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/arrested+caries


И еще ru.scribd.com/doc/29512615/Arrested-Caries

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в переводе получается как-то так. по нашему это ооочень хронический кариес, для которого характерны выработка темного третичного дентина.

Изменено пользователем Аслан
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по плану там где возможнобудут реставрации-4ый сегмент и 33. 34 пока стоит сверху на витальный временная коронка. остальные поражения гораздо больше, там эндо вкладки и коронки-мосты.

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